曾經在那嫖客下榻的娼寮隔壁破舊旅店投宿, 並底其內夢見另一間陰穢旅店, 裡頭, 我正窺視著一顏容乏味灰黯的女大學生成了她水電工男友的禁瘸, 一臉嫌惡地與之交媾。 多年後的今日, 在那語不驚人死不休的台灣電視新聞報導中, 亦聞此事。 諸多的巧合使他們與他們置身其中的真實世界的闇影, 那冷冰而切實際不幸的夢, 對茲體的交配男女而言, 儼然有些許鏽蝕酸氣味, 一種難以言喻的鄉愁灰途或家庭幸福的稍息如我正醒著活在當下窺視著我窺視的窺視, 像萬花筒般的無限延續引燃映裏邊映像裏邊像, 燒成現世。

When I was a young adult, I tried to haunt what I wanna feel like that bouncing black shadows vanished without a trace and blaze part of a cosmos I am. If you ever feel like something's disgorging things, you'll never understand bouncing black shadows sank into oblivion and glance part of a cosmos mean.

I swear I'm only seeing faces tried of the damn human races, but you should be promise to me that you'll be fine.


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